Panjab University Online Examination Form
Post Graduate Examination(
May 2025
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Acharya (Darshnam)
Acharya (Sahitya)
Acharya (Vyakarana)
Advanced Diploma in Computer Application
Advanced Diploma in Disaster Management and Corporate Security
Advanced Diploma in Educational Management and Leadership
Advanced Diploma in Fine Arts for Divyang (Applied Art)
Advanced Diploma in Fine Arts for Divyang (Graphics-Print Making)
Advanced Diploma in Fine Arts for Divyang (Painting)
Advanced Diploma in Fine Arts for Divyang (Sculpture)
Advanced Diploma in Guidance and Counselling
Advanced Diploma in Health Family Welfare and Population Education
Advanced Diploma in Human Rights and Duties
Advanced Diploma in Library Automation and Networking
Advanced Diploma in Mass Communication
Advanced Diploma in Photography
Advanced Diploma in Social Work
Advanced Diploma in Statistics
B.A. LL.B. (Hons) 5 Year Integrated Course
B.A. LL.B. (Hons) 5 Year Integrated Course (Under CBCS)
B.Com. LL.B. (Hons) 5 Year Integrated Course
B.Com. LL.B. (Hons) 5 Year Integrated Course (Under CBCS)
Bachelor of Laws (3 Year Course)
Bachelor of Laws (3 Year Course) under CGPA Scheme
Diploma in Fine Arts for Divyang (Applied Art)
Diploma in Fine Arts for Divyang (Graphics -Printmaking)
Diploma in Fine Arts for Divyang (Painting)
Diploma in Fine Arts for Divyang (Sculpture)
M.A. (Honours) Social Sciences
M.A. Hons School in Economics (5 Yr Integrated)
M.E. Electrical Engineering (Instrumentation & Control) Modular Programme
M.E. Electrical Engineering (Instrumentation & Control) regular Programme
M.E. (Bio-Technology)
M.E. (Chemical Engineering) with Specialization in Environmental Engineering
M.E. (Chemical)
M.E. (CSE)
M.E. (CSE) Modular Programme
M.E. (Cyber Security)
M.E. (E.C.E.)
M.E. (E.C.E.) Modular programme
M.E. (Electrical Power System)
M.E. (Food Technology)
M.E. (I.T.)
M.E. (Instrumentation & Control)
M.E. (Mechanical Engineering)
M.E. in Civil (Construction Tech. & Mgt.)
M.E. in Civil (Construction Tech. & Mgt.) Modular programme
M.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
M.E. Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Technology) Modular Programme
M.E. Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Technology) Regular Programme
M.Ed. (Education Technology)
M.Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
M.Ed. General (Two Yr Course) Semester System
M.Ed. Special Edu. Mental Retardation
M.Ed. Special Edu. Mental Retardation/Intellectual Disability (TYC)
M.Ed. Special Education (Intellectual Disability)
M.Ed. Special Education (Learning Disability)
M.LIB. (One Year)
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Analysis)
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance)
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics)
M.Pharm. (Pharmacognosy)
M.Pharm. (Pharmacology)
M.Sc. (Applied Chemistry)
M.Sc. (Bio-Informatics)
M.Sc. (Bio-Technology)
M.Sc. (Botany)
M.Sc. (Chemistry)
M.Sc. (Cosmetology & Health Care)
M.Sc. (Environment and Solid Waste Management)
M.Sc. (Environment Science)
M.Sc. (Fashion Designing)
M.Sc. (Fashion Lifestyle & Technology)
M.Sc. (Forensic Science and Criminology)
M.Sc. (Hons) in Computer Science (Specialization in Data Science)
M.Sc. (Human Genomics)
M.Sc. (Information Technology)
M.Sc. (Instrumentation)
M.Sc. (Mathematics)
M.Sc. (Medical Physics)
M.Sc. (Microbial Biotechnology)
M.Sc. (Nuclear Medicine)
M.Sc. (Physics)
M.Sc. (Renewal Energy and smart Materials)
M.Sc. (Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering)
M.Sc. (System Biology and BioInformatics)
M.Sc. (Zoology)
M.Sc. Home Science (Clothing & Textiles)
M.Sc. Home Science (Food & Nutrition)
M.Sc. Home Science (Human Dev. & Family Relations)
M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development)
M.Sc. Hons School (Anthropology)
M.Sc. Hons School (Bio Physics)
M.Sc. Hons School (Biochemistry)
M.Sc. Hons School (Biotechnology)
M.Sc. Hons School (Botany)
M.Sc. Hons School (Chemistry)
M.Sc. Hons School (Computer Science)
M.Sc. Hons School (Geology)
M.Sc. Hons School (Mathematics)
M.Sc. Hons School (Microbiology)
M.Sc. Hons School (Physics and Electronics)
M.Sc. Hons School (Zoology)
M.Sc. Industrial Chemistry
M.Sc. Physics (Specialization in Electronics)
M.Sc. Physics (Under the Framework of Honours School System)
M.Sc. Statistics
M.Tech. (Instrumentation)
M.Tech. (Material Science)
M.Tech. (Micro-Electronics)
M.Tech. (Nano Science & Nano Tech.)
M.Tech. (Polymer)
M.Voc. (Fashion Technology and Apparel Design)
Master in Fashion Designing and Management
Master in Public Health
Master of Arts (Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology)
Master of Arts (Buddhist & Tibetan Studies)
Master of Arts (Community Education)
Master of Arts (Comparative Study of Religions)
Master of Arts (Dance)
Master of Arts (Defence and Strategic Studies)
Master of Arts (Disaster Management)
Master of Arts (Economics)
Master of Arts (Education)
Master of Arts (English)
Master of Arts (Fine Arts)
Master of Arts (French)
Master of Arts (Gandhian and Peace Studies)
Master of Arts (Geography)
Master of Arts (Hindi)
Master of Arts (History of Arts)
Master of Arts (History)
Master of Arts (Human Rights & Duties)
Master of Arts (Indian Theatre)
Master of Arts (Music Instrumental)
Master of Arts (Music Vocal)
Master of Arts (Persian)
Master of Arts (Philosophy)
Master of Arts (Police Administration)
Master of Arts (Political Science)
Master of Arts (Psychology)
Master of Arts (Public Administration)
Master of Arts (Punjabi)
Master of Arts (Remote Sensing)
Master of Arts (Russian)
Master of Arts (Sanskrit)
Master of Arts (Social Work)
Master of Arts (Sociology)
Master of Arts (Tabla)
Master of Arts (Urdu)
Master of Arts (Women Studies)
Master of Arts Yoga
Master of Business Administration (BIO-TECHNOLOGY)
Master of Business Administration (CDOE)
Master of Business Administration (CIT)
Master of Business Administration (Entrepreneurship)
Master of Business Administration (General)
Master of Business Administration (General) (Hons School System)
Master of Business Administration (INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS)
Master of Business Administration (MBA-HR)
Master of Business Administration (MBA-Off Campus)
Master of Business Administration Executive (USOL)
Master of Business Administration for Executive
Master of Commerce
Master of Commerce (Accounting and Finance)
Master of Commerce (Business Economics)
Master of Commerce (Business Innovation)
Master of Commerce (Entrepreneurship & Family Business)
Master of Commerce (Honours)
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Master of Computer Applications (MCA) (Two Year Degree Programme)
Master of Dental Surgery (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics)
Master of Dental Surgery (Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology)
Master of Dental Surgery (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
Master of Dental Surgery (Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics)
Master of Dental Surgery (Periodontology)
Master of Dental Surgery (Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge)
Master of Entrepreneurship & Family Bussiness
Master of Finance & Control
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Applied Art
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Graphics
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Painting
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Sculpture
Master of Journalism & Mass Communication
Master of Laws (LLM 2 Year Course at UILS)
Master of Laws (LLM 2 Year Course)
Master of Laws (LLM One Year Course)
Master of Laws [UILS] (LLM One Year Course)
Master of Physical Education
Masters in Geoinformatics
Masters in Governance and Leadership
Masters of Hotel Management and Catering Technology
Masters of Tourism and Travel Management
MBA (Banking and Insurance Management)
MBA (Business Analytics)
MBA (Capital Markets)
MBA (Hospital Management )
MBA (Information and Telecommunication Management)
MBA (Infrastructural Management)
MBA (Pharmaceutical Management)
MBA (Retail Management)
PG Diploma Course in Data Science
PG Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations
PG Diploma in Applied Agriculture
PG Diploma in Buddhist Studies
PG Diploma in Chemical Analysis of Food
PG Diploma in Child Guidance & Family Counselling
PG Diploma in Cognitive Science and Human Factors
PG Diploma in Computer Applications
PG Diploma in Computer Graphics & Animations
PG Diploma in Cosmetology & Beauty Care
PG Diploma in Cyber Crime
PG Diploma in Disaster Management & Corporate Security
PG Diploma in Disaster Management & Security
PG Diploma in Educational Management and Leadership
PG Diploma in Export Management
PG Diploma in Fashion Designing
PG Diploma in Food Processing and Quality Control
PG Diploma in Food Processing and Quality Control
PG Diploma in Guidance & Counselling
PG Diploma in Health, Family Welfare and Population Education
PG Diploma in Homeland Security
PG Diploma in Hospital Administration
PG Diploma in Hospital Management
PG Diploma in Human Rights & Duties
PG Diploma in International Business
PG Diploma in International Business (Off Campus)
PG Diploma in International Trade
PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication
PG Diploma in Library Automation & Networking
PG Diploma in Marketing Management
PG Diploma in Mass Communication
PG Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics
PG Diploma in Personnel Mgmt & Labour Welfare
PG Diploma in Photography
PG Diploma in Social Work
PG Diploma in Statistics
PG Diploma in Tele-Sales and Medical Representative
PG Diploma in Translation (English to Hindi and vice versa)
PG Diploma in Translation English to Punjabi
PG Diploma in Translation Hindi to English
PG Diploma in Women Studies
PG Diploma in Yoga Science
PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy
Post M.A. Diploma in Professional Counselling and Psychotherapy
Pre-Ph.D. Course Work Engineering and Technology
Select Semester