Q1. How much fee I have to deposit?
Ans1. Please follow link ‘Home-> Fee Details and Important Dates’ for getting your fee details.
Q2: My Fee slip is not generating. What should I do?
Ans2: There can be 2 cases:
(i) If you are college student, your fee slip will not be generated.
(ii)If you are correspondence or USOL (University School of Open Learning) student, then also your fee slip will not be generated.
Q3: I am a USOL/Department/College student then why I should select ‘Student Type’ as private?
Ans3 : A Reappear/deficient/Additional/Improvement exam is always given as Private Student.
Q4. I have lost my username and password?
Ans4. Please follow the link ‘Home-> Forgot Password’ to recover your username and password. You will receive it on your mobile & email id. If you also have forgotten your ApplicationNo./Username , you may find it on your fee slip.
Q5. I am not able to deposit fee in Bank as they said ‘your record not found’?
Ans5. Download Post Office challan and submit your fees in Post Office.
Q6. Whether I have to submit hard copy of my examination form?
Ans6. Yes, if you are a College/USOL/University Department student then you have to submit your hard copy in your concerned department. If you are private student then you have to to submit the PRINTOUT of the examination form (Private Candidates) duly attested by class A gazzeted officer along with copy of the BANK SLIP either by Hand or by Post before the Last Date to Admin Block Basement, Sector-14, Panjab University
Q7. I am unable to download my Admit Card.
Ans7. If you are a private/USOL student then login into your account with your username and password, and download your admit card. College or University Department students, get your admit card from your College or University Department.
Q8. I have already submitted my fees but it is not confirmed/updated on website yet?
Ans8. If your fee has not been confirmed even after 48 hours of fee submission then either send fee slip scan copy at our E-mail Id mentioned in contact details or visit Computer Unit, Aruna Ranjit Hall, PU.
Q9. I am not able to upload my Photo & Signature?
Ans9. Reduce size of your Photo & Signature upto less than 100KB, then try again to upload.
Q10. I have downloaded my Rollno. But its not showing Rollno. And Center?
Ans10. Either you didn’t have submitted hard copy(print out) of your form in form cell or there would be some discrepancy related to your form which you can see on your rollno. Please visit Examination Branch, Admin Block, PU and meet your concerned dealing(name is mentioned on your rollno).